2025 Exhibition Application
View: Artist’s Statement and Biography
Exhibition Theme:
The Ocean Within | New Work by Faye Hoffman
For the past year, I have been working in clay and painting with the intention of having a solo exhibition under a single theme; The Ocean Within. The seed of my theme began with and is driven by observations made as I walk along the water ways of Port Alberni. I have always loved the ocean; it is a deep part of me, as is the art-making process and the final art work itself.
Being new to Port Alberni, I have fresh eyes to experience unique sights and gather inspiring details, reflecting those in my creations. The difficult-to-describe feelings I have when I walk, swim and linger by the water are where I go when I make artistic decisions. I’ve been developing form and glazes along this theme and am now intentionally creating work for the exhibition. As the weather improves, I will be painting en plein air more often, building up a new library of paintings for the exhibition.
Representative Pottery
The work in clay shown below in images and slideshow was completed in 2023 and 2024 and represents the type of pottery which I intend to include in the exhibition. I will continue creating work which develops my theme throughout 2024.

Representative Paintings
The works in oil shown below in images and slideshow represent the type of paintings which I have recently completed. I intend to complete entirely new oil paintings in 2024 for the exhibition.