And so it begins.
The summer season in Victoria and surrounding communities means ART! There are so many events and shows that it would be near-impossible to attend, let alone participate in everything. This is especially true for those of us who work full time.
For me, the season starts off with a new little bang which may be the spark of an annual BIG show in Victoria. Art Now Victoria is the first juried show from the Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria. Two of my recent portrait paintings were juried into the show, so I’ll be at the opening night on Thursday, May 7 from 6:30 – 9pm. I haven’t seen the show yet and it will be very interesting to see the works selected by a seriously distinguished panel of jurors.

Plein air oil, 5″ x 7″
Meanwhile back at home the painting continues. Andrew and I were up early this past weekend to visit Aylard Farm and Cattle Point for some gorgeous sunshine and reasonably successful paintings. We need to remind ourselves that we are still just learning when our results don’t match out intentions or hopes. Every time we paint we are a step closer to meeting our goals and expectations. Sunday’s session was especially enjoyable because we stood side-by-side to paint the same scene. We swapped advice and laughs while completing small 5″x7″ pieces.

Plein air oil, 5″ x 7″
Coming up this summer is the renowned Sooke Fine Arts Show, the Moss St. Paint-in and a couple other smaller shows which I will detail as the dates crawl towards us. We also are attending a painting workshop with Teresa Oaxaca on Whidbey Island, have 3 weekends set aside to paint en plain air on the lawn of the Empress hotel and are going plein-air camping.I am still in the healing process with my back so down time between all these events will indeed be very low down. As in on the floor. Ha!
I hope to see some of you out there in this busy and challenging summer!

Plein air oil, 5″ x 7″