The last month or so has been a contradiction of sorts. A whirlwind of action paired with periods of stillness. A good example of this is the last 2 days. We explored our new town by checking out a variety…

Canadian Fine Artist
The last month or so has been a contradiction of sorts. A whirlwind of action paired with periods of stillness. A good example of this is the last 2 days. We explored our new town by checking out a variety…
Trust the energy that coursesthrough you. Trust – then takesurrender even deeper.Be the energy. Don’t push anything away.Follow each sensation back toits source and focus your awarenessthere. Be the ecstasy… Be unafraid of consummate wonder.Emerge so new, so vulnerable,that you…
A few months back I signed up for a weekly portrait drawing group which had changed their practice from in-person to online due to the COVID situation. A weekly inspirational photo is sent to members and the portraiture begins. Participants…