Andrew and I were scheduled to have a 2-person show this summer. What with the COVID situation, the show was cancelled and yet… we still have all that work in our studio! I’ll show you what’s been happening on my side of the studio over the past year or so, below. Larger versions of this work can be found in Nature Work and Landscapes.
I’ve made progress on finding a surface that really works for me (Arches oil painting paper) and have started seeing a personal style develop. This is something most artists strive for and I’m very happy to see it and to push myself to keep on track with it.
All work is for sale (unless indicated). Please email Faye if you are interested.
Small Birds of BC – Series 1
View larger images in Nature Work.
Western Bluebird, oil on paper, 5”x7” The Purple Finch, oil on paper, 5”x7” The Semipalmated Plover, oil on paper, 5”x7” Gold-crowned Kinglet, oil on paper, 5”x7” SOLD Wee Chickadee (Black-capped chickadee), oil on paper, 5”x7” SOLD Grey-headed, dark-eyed Junco, oil on paper, 5”x7”
Small Birds of BC – Series 2
View larger images in Nature Work.
The Western Tanager, oil on paper, 5”x7” The North American Robin, oil on paper, 5”x7” Stellar’s Jay, oil on paper, 5”x7” Tree Swallow, oil on paper, 5”x7” Black-capped Chickadee, oil on paper, 5”x7” Anna’s Hummingbird, oil on paper, 5”x7”
The Mean One

Studio landscapes
